No such thing as cheap thank you cards...
“Here’s to those who inspire you and don’t even know it.” -Anonymous WE wish we could make custom thank you cards for each one of you. ...
Stay tuned for our newest podcast called "Be Your Own Boss" (Preteen addition)
Stay tuned for our newest podcast called
"Be your own boss" (preteen addition)
It will be about building a business plan and crea
Nathaniel Bowditch is my "PRETEEN HERO!"
Have you ever read the book Carry On, Mr. Bowditch? IF not, here is a quick summary as i just finished reading it for class. He is a preteen
National Pet Day is today!
Today is April 11th, National Pet Day! To celebrate National Pet day I thought I would write about our family dog Tilby. She is a...
Grateful for my "Built-In-Best-Friend"
Happy NATIONAL SIBLINGS DAY! If you have a sibling let us know we will like your page, blog, or podcast. Go to our FACEBOOK page and...
Do you have a BLOG as a preteen? WE WANT TO KNOW!
Hello fellow Preteens! WE want to promote other preteens/teens. So if you have a blog that you would like to go on our Blog page...just...
WE went live at our donation bake sale!
Our donation bake sale was live!! Go to KIDDO BLOODWATER MINISTries to start a Donation Bake Sale of your own!!
Is CIY SUPERSTART worth going to?? Find out now!
In this episode at the CIY SUPERSTART conference in Dallas Tx. We had many interviews and testimonies of so many new people we met. WE wan
Living in our God given purpose and destiny with Tamra Aragon not Tamra Holder!
"We are your hosts Anne-Alida and Aj." Hi Friends, we are glad you are here. We have a guest today that holds a special place i
Welcome to “BE-TWEEN” A place for tweens by tweens.
Welcome Preteens, Parents, and Pastors!
Are you like us, not a kid-so-much but not yet a teenager either. Just somewhere in-between. Leavin