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"Their Stories Matter" The Power of listening with a heart to understand.

One ABQ Challenge

Click the picture about to go to the Challenge!! FROM Their WEB Page: "Mayor Tim Keller & First Lady Elizabeth Kistin Keller challenge you to step up and show everyone what makes us One ABQ!

Connecting Youth and Elders #ThisIsABQ

Make time in August to engage in a community service project that connects youth and elders in our community and then challenge others to do the same. The goal is to have projects that reflect our city’s creativity, diversity, and needs."

"Their Stories Matter"

We want to encourage the younger generation to invite the elders around them to tell their stories as we ask and listen with a desire to hear their heart.

“When the wisdom of living long, meets the joy of living young…there you will find beauty!!” We want to encourage our generation to invite the elders in our community to tell their stories as we ask and listen with a desire to hear their heart.

Hello, We are a brother and sister preteen team (AJ and Anne-Alida) who desire to make a positive difference in our community through Social Media and beyond. Last weekend we were able to see the First Lady Elizabeth Kistin Keller’s speak at TEDxABQ on Connecting Youth and elders.

The One ABQ Challenge has inspired us to take action by reaching out to the elders in our community through Story telling. Sue Monk Kidd author of The secret life of of bees wrote “Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here.” Have you ever hear a really good story that changed you in some way? Do you have a story that has made and difference in your life? We have all heard stories that gave us the ability to feel sad, scared, or inspired. It is amazing to think of the power that stories have in our lives.

There is a quote that says “It’s very important for seniors to retell their stories,” says Dr. Wendy Scheinberg-Elliott, Professor of History at California State University Fullerton. “It is equally as important for families to be interested in and heed these stories. Much is lost if the younger generation doesn’t take the time to hear them.”

Capturing the life story of a senior can often be an activity that benefits both young and old. WE believe going into rest homes and rehabilitation centers just to listen could do great things. WE want to sit and listen to their stories face to face. WE want to invite others to do the join us.

The Elderly in our homes and city have Life Stories to tell. WE Just need to Ask.

We want to encourage fellow preteens/teens to do make time in August and beyond to hear the stories of the elders in their live and possibly record them for future generations through journals and media.

Our generation is in need of their wisdom! The Older generation is in need of our joy. Together we can do great things.

Please join us today in Connecting elders with youth as we begin a journey to listen to the power of the story of the elders of our lives.

We are starting a volunteer program called "Their stories Matter." that unites the elderly with the youth through story telling. Called “YOUR Story Matters” we are inventing the youth of our city to join us as we go to our local Retirement homes and invite the Elderly people to share their stories as we ask and listen.

We want to help them write letters, journals, and make videos of these stories to hand down to future generations.

Ultimately we want the elderly in our community to know they still have something to offer. Their perspective and stories are important and matter. We can even help them make family heritage books with their stories. The first step however is to listen, then if they desire to do more we can record. No matter what our desire is that they feel like they have a voice and that "Their Stories Matter."

Join us today by going to

and singing up to volunteer!!!

THANK YOU for being part of this movement!!

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