Living in our God given purpose and destiny with Tamra Aragon not Tamra Holder!
BE-TWEEN - Episode #6 - Listen Now on: iTunes, Youtube, Google play and more.
March 9, 2018
Welcome BACK! Today we are going to talk about destiny and purpose.
"We are your hosts Anne-Alida and Aj."
Hi Friends, we are glad you are here. We have a guest today that holds a special place i our hearts, Mrs. Tamra Argon! (Not Tamra Holder) Maybe next month. Lol
Do you feel like you have purpose? Or do you feel like your life is meaningless? Eitherway this podcast is for you. Purpose and destiny are topics that affect everyone not just preteens. The desire to lead a more purposeful life, to search for ultimate meanings, is a central theme of human experience.
The Bible says In Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Do you know your purpose for life?
Are you still looking?
Or have you given up?
No matter what you feel like today, be encouraged. God has a plan for your life.