Media Kit
Who are we?
We are a GenZ Brother and Sister podcast team with a desire to inspire our generation to great things! Be-Tween is a podcast inspired for tweens and teens by tweens and teens. Although our podcast is a lot of fun, our main desire is to be intentional in creating awareness through real answers to many of the issues that face our generation. We want this to be a place of hope, joy, and peace in the middle of a world that would like to keep preteens, and parents, discouraged.
Our WHY?
We created BE-TWEEN as a place to build support for fellow preteens and teens. We wanted to create a community for teens to share their stories.
The reason we started Be-tween was because when we were around 8 and 10 we were looking for a podcast we could listen to on a vacation to FL that was fun and interesting. We did not want something to old and or too young……we could not find it. With the help of our Mom we though why not start a podcast of our own for that would be fun and clean.
How great it would be if our generation could take what can be a negative, social media, and transform it into a positive!!! So began our podcast adventure… now here we are a year later with more than we thought possible.
What do we wish to accomplish?
Through our podcast we have created a safe and relatable place for kids in their tweens and teens to go online that is positive and inspiring.. We have also been able to bring awareness to current issues that face our generation. Right now we are working on a school awareness program that helps incorporate bully prevention and suicide prevention through mentorship. We will keep you updated as to the progress we make in the coming year.
Our future?
WE hope to continue producing the podcast into our teen years.
We are looking to expand to a wider age range…including preteens and teens and even young adults. We are also working on an upcoming series of episodes with a desire to address suicide awareness and prevention. We want to bring awareness to the the stigma of suicide and help bring a conversation of understanding and kindness in place of the judgment and cruelty that often accompanies it.
Where can
you find us?
You can find us on instagram: @weRgenerationZ
We are also on: Twitter, Linked In, or
Google us under AJ and Anne-Alida
or search @WeRGenerationZ