Finding our calling and mapping our future.
Episode #11
Welcome everyone…it is 2019!!
In this episode we are talking about Finding our calling and mapping our future.. Louis Hay once said, “Our long ing is our calling.” She also said, "We create our lives every day. Each of us has unique talents and abilities.”
If you feel stressed out about what the future holds, this episode is for you…We want to challenge you to look at life differently.
What do you think is the one question that is asked more of middle school and high schoolers than any other question?
It is, “What are You going to Be When You Grow Up?
Think about it, little kids are always asked what they want to be as soon as they start school…talk about pressure. It seems there is this unforeseen pressure the minute we start school to know what we will do the rest of our lives.
Why does growing up have to be so stressful?
Maybe stressing over our furniture makes us feel like we will do something important? Sometimes i hear kids in high school and college talk about their future with an attitude of dread… it makes me feel like i never want to grow up. Growing up should not be so stressful, we should not dread the future so much. Why CAN’T it be more enjoyable?
We believe there is a better way through finding your calling and mappign our future. IF we prepare properly for our future now it will create less stress down the road. Without preparation, even our best intentions can be met with disappointment.
Join us for the rest of this discussion on our podcast. Find us on: iTunes, Podean, Spotify, Stitcher, IheartRadio, and, PlayerFM, and on Google play podcasts.